Tuesday 13 October 2009

Aussie Dwarf Jockey Race "Slammed"

From the Sun

A RACING stunt Down Under featuring dwarf jockeys riding on race goers backs has been slammed by equality groups.

The performance involved the tiny actors being carried on the backs of punters and racing for 50 metres in front of hundreds of baying spectators.

Outraged horse race bosses were fuming over the sick stunt - held at the Cranbourne Cup in Melbourne, Australia - while dwarf groups say it will make life harder for short people.

Jonathon Tripp, head of the Short Statured People's Association, said: "I know people who are actors and do plays and skits for a living but this is more like taking the mickey out of us.

"They could have used real jockeys but they used short-statured people to get more laughs.''

A spokeswoman for Racing Victoria Limited said the event was intended to be "harmless fun".

First off - if you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour and watch the video....

Next up - the "Short Statured People's Association"? Woeful branding there people. And by the drivel coming out of Jonathan Tripp's mouth, if he's taking decisions at that joint, it's no surprise.

Tripp has just shown a total lack of sensitivty to the feelings of the people he claims to "represent". Get a load of the little bloke who won it - he's ecstatic. It's the moment of his life. Like all little blokes, he couldn't dream of winning a footy grand final or getting drafted to the NBA - he's got to dream about crossing the line first in the big race with the crowd geeing him on. And this is HIS moment - his dream, the unfolding of years of hard work, 5am starts and bruising falls. Look at his determination - maybe a little excessive use of the whip, but he knows what it takes to win.

"Making life harder for short people" - maybe that should be their motto.

And as for these "outraged horse race bosses" - who on earth are they kidding? Just take your mind back to the average race day - they can only put on 7 races a day, and they're 30 minutes apart, and, guess what - they're a total bore.... that's why everyone is degenerate gambling on every race in 6 states, and getting totally inebriated to the point of urinating on one another. Anything to put a spark under that is fine by me.

Tripp OUT.

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